Make critical decisions in RABapp™

RABapp™ provides livestock industry and animal health officials with rapid access to the information they need to respond to animal health emergencies.

Swine Species
Cattle Species
Poultry Species

Sign in below to build your SPS, SBS or NPIP biosecurity plans:

What RABapp™ provides

We work with producers to collect standardized biosecurity plans in preparation for foreign animal disease outbreaks.



We catalog, review, and route biosecurity plans between livestock producers and animal health officials.

RABapp GIS Maps


We transform hand-drawn images into maps using GIS platforms.

RABapp Animal and Vehicle Movement Data

Movement Data

We integrate animal and vehicle movement data with biosecurity plans.

RABapp Disease Transmission Models


We integrate disease transmission models developed by veterinary epidemiologists.

In Summary


Number of Hogs


Participating States


SPS Plans

RABapp Onboarded States

Meet The Team

RABapp™ was created by Dr. Gustavo Machado, Associate Professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine, NC State University. For more information about Dr. Machado and his team, visit the Machado Lab website.


The Machado Lab works closely with an advisory board comprised of livestock producers, state animal health officials, and veterinarians to develop a secure and efficient tool for expediting outbreak responses.

"In Oklahoma, we encourage all swine producers to develop Secure Pork Supply plans specific to their operation regardless of the size or number of hogs they own. To assist producers in developing these enhanced biosecurity plans, Oklahoma utilizes RABapp™, which standardizes the plan to be consistent with participating state SPS planning efforts."

- Alicia Gorczyca-Southerland DVM,
Assistant State Veterinarian,
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry


What is the Rapid Access Biosecurity application (RABapp™)?

RABapp™ is a web-based software tool that allows swine producers and animal health officials to easily and continuously store, review, and update Secure Pork Supply (SPS) biosecurity plans and movement information for animals and products (e.g. semen, germplasm). Developed by infectious disease experts at North Carolina State University, RABapp™ systematically integrates biosecurity information with movement data to generate cutting edge insights into livestock infectious disease transmission, and enhance preparedness for and respond to outbreak emergencies.

Does RABapp™ collect the minimum data fields required to enroll a site in the US Swine Health-Improvement Plan (US SHIP)?

Yes, RABapp™ collects and processes most data fields required by US SHIP enrollment and certification, for more information please send us an email at or call (919) 513-0781.

Who should enroll and use RABapp™?

Personnel from any entity that sends or receives pigs from a site - from large commercial to independent producers - are encouraged to participate in the RABapp™ project. To take part and use RABapp™, there are a few simple steps to follow:

  1. Request a National Premises Identification Number (PremID or PIN) from the office of your State Animal Health Official if you do not already have one for your site.
  2. Visit the Secure Pork Supply (SPS) Plan for Continuity of Business website to learn how to start building your biosecurity plans SPS plans.
  3. Once steps 1 and 2 have been completed, contact the RABapp™ team via email ( or phone (919-513-0781). You can also contact the team for guidance and data collection tools if you are unfamiliar with SPS plans and would like additional assistance.

Why is it important to standardize SPS biosecurity plans?

During outbreaks of major infectious disease threats such as African swine fever (ASF), animal health officials need rapid access to compliant and accurate SPS plans to help businesses resume standard operations, including animal transportation between farms. Working closely with swine producers, veterinarians, and animal health officials, the RABapp™ team provides a streamlined process for producing, reviewing, and approving SPS plans to ensure all plans adhere to national requirements. This helps maintain business continuity during an outbreak emergency, and thereby enhances industry resilience.